
Posts Tagged ‘Nike’

Nike Workout App for iPhone

There is a new exercise app to hit the market. It is called the Nike Training Club. It’s design is geared more for women, and as strange as it is for me to say it, that is why I like it. My workout app of choice is iFitness. However, there are some things from the Nike app that I would like to see in iFitness.

For starters, you can earn rewards based on how many hours you workout. You can earn badges and certificates, but most exciting, it that you can earn personal workouts from celebrity athletes.

The next thing I really like about the app is that most exercises are without the use of extra equipment. This makes it very PE class friendly. Once you begin a workout it takes you through a sequence of exercises in a very cool interface. I could easily see hooking this up to a projector and leading my class in a workout from this app.

Finally, I like the focus on women. Sometimes middle school girls feel uncomfortable doing more explosive, dynamic exercises. I think it is good for them to see women as athletes who are also very feminine.

Every exercise includes pictures of the proper technique, but also very high quality video that loads really fast. I have enjoyed looking through all the various exercises and picking out some new exercises to teach my class.

The Nike App does have it’s shortcomings. Everything on the App is outstanding, the problem is what it is lacking. I hope future updates provide more features. There is not much flexibility, you pretty much have to stick to their routine. I like to have the option to personalize my workouts.
Overall, great app. Of all the fitness apps on the market, this one instantly became my second favorite. There is also a Nike Training Club website.

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